1 year investment minimum amount 25.000 $
maximum amount
500.000 $*
12.5% profit
2 year investment
minimum amount 600.000 $
maximum amount
2.4 MM $*
28.5% profit
3 year investment
minimum amount
2.5 MM $
maximum amount
20 MM $*
44% profit
Cryptowallets for investment:
ETH: 0xc2A5c37f4Dc15f6B4e993CD07d204df66DdE2e5b
BTC: bc1q266jfpfyzxlvrjwktt70amyzkpu03966q5ruqm
USDC (ETH): 0xc2A5c37f4Dc15f6B4e993CD07d204df66DdE2e5b
USDT (TRC20): THUsBWJQD25eApEho6D8gHYisnRbMtFEp9
different wallets for different investors
Earn in excess of cutrren bank interests
We save HASH transactions.
After 1-5 years, depending on the amount invested, your cryptocurrency wallet will be paid interest and deposit.
Investments can be made using cash, cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, USDT, USDC or bank transfers.
When investing with cryptocurrencies, the exchange rate to USD is fixed at the time of deposit. Withdrawals are made in USD at the exchange rate on the day of withdrawal. Withdrawals will be made to the wallets from which the deposit was made, unless otherwise specified.
The portfolio is formed based on a mathematical model
of our own development.
Traded instruments:
The strategy is based on a temporary decline in option price and volatility crash. The strategy allows you to profit without taking into account the direction.
“Ossnova Investment FZCO” is a registered investment advisor. The investments described herein may not be suitable for you. This is not a solicitation or offer to sell securities, and the information contained on this website is not sufficient to make an investment decision. The information contained herein should not be relied upon in making any investment decision. No representations or warranties, express or implied, are made.
All investments are subject to the risk of loss.